How We Fulfill Our Vision:



Ingredient & material assessment

Your health, safety and well-being are our top priorities. And we’re committed to providing you with high-performance products that you can feel great about using. That’s why we place such an emphasis on ingredient assessment, carefully choosing the ones we put into our products and the ones we leave out — in essence, everything you need and nothing you don’t.

We pride ourselves on coming from a place of yes, but when it comes to human health, there are instances in which we must say no. That’s why we created our NO List™ — a list of over 3,500 chemicals/materials we choose not to use in our products. Our NO List™ is made up of category-specific lists, because what causes a chemical/material to pose a risk is dependant on how and where it’s used. This list will continue to evolve, and we’ll dig deeper as new studies emerge.

We work hard to make our products without materials/ingredients from our NO List; however, manufacturing products is complicated, and we cannot always eliminate background or cross-contamination. We work hard with our manufacturers to control this.

Ingredient & material assessment

Each and every ingredient we choose to use in our products is evaluated for its safety and efficacy in use. In this process, we take into account the following:

Susceptibility - Some people are more susceptible than others — especially babies, who can be more sensitive to chemicals than adults.

Exposure - The "how" and "how much" is a critical part of determining ingredient safety.

Final formulation - The combination of chemicals matters a lot. Sometimes an ingredient that’s caustic by itself may be neutralized by other ingredients. On the flip side, some ingredients can be safe when used alone, but might be dangerous when combined with other ingredients.

There are three essential steps to our ingredient selection



We review epidemiological and experimental studies to examine things like potential dermal toxicity, inhalation toxicity and more. We survey international regulatory and expert opinion restriction lists. And we incorporate restriction criteria related to carcinogenicity, endocrine disruption, genotoxicity, bioaccumulation, environmental persistence, sensitization, and developmental, reproductive and systemic effects for ingredients.

Risk Assessment


During this phase of the process, we investigate ingredients of potential concern, examine the relationship between dose and effect, and assess what the anticipated exposure would be if used in a product. We pull it all together to characterize the risks associated with the ingredients’ potential function in our products.

Risk Management

Risk Management

This is where we look at all the data we’ve compiled to determine which ingredients make the cut for our formulations. We carefully determine ingredients and their concentrations based on exposure scenarios, material source and safety data to provide you with a product that meets our safety standards.

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