Get ready for the weekend with a fun one from Honest yogi, Jessica James! This beginner level pose helps you focus on your breathing, an integral part of practicing yoga. Enjoy the deep, satisfying stretch!
Frog Kriya
Level 1
Benefits: This dynamic Kriya helps strengthen your quads, calve, and glutes while simultaneously stretching your hamstrings and lengthening your spine. Practicing these two poses back to back -- linked with breath -- brings a heart happy, cardio vascular element to your practice.
Honest Tip: This sequence is the perfect way to practice linking breath to movement. Take these as fast or as slow as you like but be sure that when you squat you inhale and when you straighten your legs you exhale. Because you are bending your knees over 90 degrees in this sequence, be sure to put a little bit of weight in your hands as you move. If the floor feels too far away use blocks under your hands to bring the floor higher up.
Now go pause, pose, and find peace!
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