Pause & Pose: Eight Angle Pose

Pause & Pose: Eight Angle Pose

We admit it — this one will take some practice. But, if you've been following our weekly poses you should be more than ready for the challenge! Follow the tips from Honest yogi Jessie James and you'll have the crazy eight pose down in no time.

Eight Angle Pose


Level 3

Benefits: Some people call this pose "crazy eight" because of its pretzel-like position. Once the elements fall into place this pose helps builds strength, flexibility, balance, and focus.

Tips: To get lift off in this pose you have to use your core! Practice by pressing your hands to the floor and pulling your navel toward your spin. If you need to, you can always place both hands on blocks for an extra boost. Keep energy in your legs by squeezing your inner thighs together. This pose requires a sense of play so make sure to smile if you start to feel like a fish out of water. Eventually you will nail it and only be stronger for it!

Now go pause, pose, and find peace.

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