Spark Creativity with a DIY Boredom Jar

Spark Creativity with a DIY Boredom Jar

DIY Boredom Jar

Summer is on the horizon. The kids will be out of school (if they aren't already!) and eager to play. But no matter how much you plan in advance for fun and enriching activities, it's inevitable that you'll hear these three words during the season: "I am bored!" And because boredom is great for inspiring creativity, we've got the perfect solution for keeping your children entertained — even making the DIY boredom jar is an engaging activity!

So, get the family together and collectively brainstorm things you'd like to check off your summer bucket list. It will be fun to see what the kids come up with, while giving everyone some moments to look forward to in the next few months. Most importantly, it will also spark your imagination, as the kiddos will soon learn how many exciting things there are to do without even leaving the neighborhood!

Materials for a Boredom Jar


  • Jar

  • Paper

  • Scissors

  • Colored pens, pencils, or crayons

  • Ribbon

Beat I am Bored with this DIY Activity Jar


1. Brainstorm with the kids! Compile a laundry list of things you would like the do. Ideas can range from baking cookies  to taking a nature walk around the neighborhood to making a marble run with recycled household items. You can include something challenging like no electronics for the whole day, or something silly like doing chores while having a sing-along to a favorite soundtrack. Even the simplest ideas can provide hours of entertainment. Feel free to  check out some of our favorite activities below:

Brainstorm Ideas to Beat Summer Boredom

2. Find a suitable jar to hold you activity ideas. We used an old Heremes clamp jar here, but a mason jar or empty snack tub would also suffice.

3. Cutout slips of paper. We used printed scrapbook paper for a fun splash of color, but basic construction paper or index cards would also work.

4. Fill out your cards with your ideas, fold in half, and fill your jar! Feel free to add more ideas as summer progresses and new ideas come to mind.

5. Have fun!

What are your favorite summertime activities? Tell us your stories in the comments section below!

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