Mod Pots for Urban Gardening

Mod Pots for Urban Gardening

Mod Pots for Urban Gardening

Just because you live in an urban environment doesn’t mean you can’t garden with the best of them! Here are some easy tips to update your old pots and make a big impact on your terrace, patio, or another small space like a window ledge. If you’re a newbie starting from scratch, stop by your local nursery or home improvement center. Pick up some plain terra-cotta pots, follow the simple steps below, and then sit back and enjoy your new chic greenery.

Materials for Making Mod Pots

What You Need

  • Paint*
  • Paint Brush(es)
  • Rubber Bands (thick, thin, big and small)
  • Terracotta Pot(s)
  • Succulents
  • Potting Soil

What You DON’T Need

  • A Green Thumb
  • A Lot of Time

Optional Items

  • Stickers
  • Painter’s or Washi Tape

* When buying paint, look for natural, zero-VOC, or low-VOC options. And complete the project outside or in a well-ventilated area where air can circulate.

Getting Started

A Clean Canvas is Important. Using a sponge, wipe down your pots so you have a clean surface to paint on. Make sure your pots are completely dry before you start to paint.

Decorate Your Pots

Decorating Your Pots

Rubber bands or Stickers. Stretch a rubber band around your pot. The size and placement of the rubber band on your pot depends on what look/design aesthetic you are trying to achieve. For a more playful look, try angling your rubber band to create an asymmetrical design.  Get the kids involved! Kids can decorate their own pot by applying their favorite stickers to the pot.

Painting. Once you are happy with the placement of your rubber bands or stickers you can begin painting your pots. Start painting your pot, using the rubber band as your guide. The rubber band will help create a clean line between the painted area and the natural finish of the pot.

Painting Your Mod Pots

The Finished Product

Make sure your paint is completely dry, then cut, peel-off, and remove your stickers or rubber bands to reveal your new favorite accent piece.

The Finished Product

Just Add Green

Your Mod Pot can be used to house any number of things, but our first choice is succulents. They are a great for those of us who weren’t born with a green thumb. Simply position the succulents however you like and then add some extra potting soil and you’re done! Maintenance: Water your succulents once every three weeks.

Just Add Green

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