The Fourth of July is about fun, festivities, and fireworks. It’s a time when magic is in the air! To maintain this holiday spirit, we created a flame-free version of everyone’s beloved sparklers that little ones (and adults) can enjoy without worry of unintended injuries and burns. And we promise this DIY is the perfect daytime activity to get your kids excited about the evening’s events — it will light up their eyes and your party!
- Scissors
- Glue
- Construction Paper (Red, White, and Blue)
- Tin Foil
- Pipe Cleaners
- Pencil
- Wood Dowel (Alternatives: 3 Chopsticks or Wood Skewers taped together)
Optional Decorative Items
- Glitter
- Colorful Pipe Cleaners
- Electrical Tape (Red, White, or Blue)
Step 1. The Fringe
Creating the fringe is easy. Fold the construction paper in half. Using your scissors, cut into the paper along the open edge — about every ½ inch. Do not cut all the way to the fold; leave approximately 1 inch uncut. Repeat this step with the tin foil, being especially careful not to tear the foil.
Step 2. The Foil Sandwich
Stack your fringed paper so that the tin foil fringe is sandwiched between the construction paper fringe in the colors of your choice. This will help protect the delicate foil from tearing. Make sure your folded edges are lined up straight then dab a little glue between the foil and construction paper along the folded edge only. Let dry.
Step 3. The Roll
Add a line of glue along the uncut edge of the fringe. Place your wooden dowel at one edge of the paper and start rolling and wrapping the paper around the dowel. Keep the paper tight so that it adheres to the dowel. Optional: If you want to add a pipe cleaner to the mix, this is the time! Fold a pipe cleaner in half, place it on top of the glue, and roll it up with the fringe.
Step 4. Patriotic "Flare" & Fluff
Add a little "flare" with some festive ribbons or glitter. Using red, white, and blue electrical tape, wrap your wooden dowel for a more finished look.
Voila! You have kid-friendly sparklers (no worries about burns, but still just as much festive fun). Or you can put them in a mason jar like a fireworks bouquet and use as it as a centerpiece at your Fourth of July party!
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