DIY: St. Patrick's Day Printable + Gift Ideas

DIY: St. Patrick's Day Printable + Gift Ideas

The crafty moms behind Paging Supermom are back this month to share their adorable, Honest-inspired printable that's perfect for St. Patrick's Day. Enjoy!

Our kids are really excited for St. Patrick's Day, which I know might seem a bit strange since it's one holiday that may not seem family friendly, but we have a lot of fun traditions that our kids look forward to like setting up a leprechaun trap -- each year they try to catch one of the little Leprechauns that come and cause trouble in our house. So far they've been unsuccessful, but they've already got big plans for catching one this year!

Today we're sharing a free printable St. Patrick's Day gift tag that is perfect for packaging up a little gift for neighbors, friends or even your kiddos. The tag includes the prompt, "A Little Leprechaun Told Me..." and the fun comes when you fill in the blank!

Leprechaun Gift Tags

Leprechaun Gift Tags

We're sure fellow moms will appreciate the honest hand sanitizer, and here are some other ideas...

:: Give gold chocolate coins and complete the gift tag with, "this gold is lucky!"

:: Give honest lip balm and say, "to give you a kiss!"

:: Give honest healing balm, and write, "you could use a hand!"

Leprechaun Gift Tags

Just print out our free Leprechaun Gift Tag template on cardstock then cut out each tag. Use a standard-size hole punch to cut a hole for threading string. Write on a fun message, then tie on and you're ready to give.

Leprechaun Gift Tags

Need more kid-friendly St. Patrick's Day ideas? Our kids also enjoy shining up old pennies, watching a fun leprechaun movie, and eating a traditional Irish feast.

~BettiJo, Paging Supermom

What do your little ones like most about St. Patrick's Day? Tell us in the comments below!

We aim to provide you with the most honest and credible information possible. This article was reviewed for accuracy by The Honest Team and its internal technical experts.
