Meet Natalia Macias

Jun 12, 2020
Meet Natalia Macias

Mama of Haven, Oahu, HI

Meet Natalia, one of our Honest Coolest Parents Ever

HONEST: Why do you use Honest?

NATALIA: I love everything about Honest and that everything feels great on your skin. The diapers keep my son comfy and dry, plus they are the perfect fit & have stylish patterns. Honest Beauty feels great (too) & has helped improve my skin and self-confidence.

HONEST: What is your favorite parenting hack?

NATALIA: My favorite simple beach hack is tying a surfboard leash to our boogie board and pulling the little guy around into the surf. We got a wild child on our hands and he lives for adventure.

HONEST: What is your favorite Honest diaper print ever?

NATALIA: Favorite diaper print...that’s easy, it’s definitely Space Traveling. Haven is obsessed with learning about the solar system right now and smiles everytime he points to his diaper.

HONEST: What makes you an Honest parent?

NATALIA: My son started surfing at 7 months old, he has his own squad, loves to fish off the land and off a jet ski, and thrives off of skateboarding with dad.

HONEST: What are your favorite Honest products?

NATALIA: Space Travel Diaper, Diaper Rash Cream and all Truly Calming Lavender products.

We aim to provide you with the most honest and credible information possible. This article was reviewed for accuracy by The Honest Team and its internal technical experts.
